Sunday, July 24, 2011

T & A: what the?

Is it just me, or is there an epidemic on the amount of T&A shoved down our throats lately?  Every goddamn telly show, it's in the movies, & on the Internet. I join twitter, I'm inundated with requests for www.hardcore girls etc etc...My fiance joins, he gets his pick of the classless spreads.

We watch movies and I find myself IMDBing the parental guide, so I'm for-armed ahead of time, kind of like preparing for battle. We surf the net and tweet and fb and lordy, oh my, there's boobs and bits and nasty pics screaming out 'Look at me!' Just look look look!

Of course, it's always been there. And one click of the button you have tasty treats (if that's your thang) in secs. It's the incessant 'call-centre' mentality that's driving me to raise a banner and march to the beat of 'no more titties!'.  

Question is, when did I become such a prude? Since I found 'the one'? I'm sure I didn't mind a bit of the old saucy before now...Is it like when you're pregnant and you every where you look is pregnant chicks?

Or am I that insecure I can't handle my fella accidentally encountering a bit of the nudy stuff.

I'd like to say I'm outraged 'for the kids'. And what they may stumble across. Cause deary me it's a minefield. But I'm not sure I wouldn't be fibbing somewhat and in reality, I just ain't as cool as I used to be.

Oh lord, will I be one of those old deary's with the pursed thin lips?
Please, Madam, this is most inappropriate...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Use it or lose it.

So I've struggled to write recently. Not because it's not there. More that I can't seem to find the time. I'm working full-time & home-time means a whole other world of work. I find the lack of words a constant source of anguish. So, the moon is full & the crazies are dyed obnoxious--surely there's winding cobbled path I can follow them along?

Oscar Wilde & Jules Verne surely faced the uncertainty of a blank page coupled with bleeding gape of inactivity.

Maybe it's a baby-step thing...


The Picture of Dorian Gray got me thinking about a topic that's been on my mind lately. Are 'we' obsessed with looks? How much of our behaviour is based on how we feel about ourselves? Do you step out with your best face forward, or do you hide behind a mask? If one was given the 'gift' of eternal youth, at what age would you settle for? Twenty? Thirty? Younger? Imagine looking out, aged & wise, from behind beauty & smooth. Would you? Should you?

Recently I conducted an experiment by posting an altered image of myself on facebook. I was surprisingly less confident in my communications, yet I, in my usual form, am wrought with insecurities as it is. We fight constantly to accept ourselves. & it's a joke. If we can't do it, who the hell else is going to?

Something to think about before we go influencing our kids.