We watch movies and I find myself IMDBing the parental guide, so I'm for-armed ahead of time, kind of like preparing for battle. We surf the net and tweet and fb and lordy, oh my, there's boobs and bits and nasty pics screaming out 'Look at me!' Just look look look!
Of course, it's always been there. And one click of the button you have tasty treats (if that's your thang) in secs. It's the incessant 'call-centre' mentality that's driving me to raise a banner and march to the beat of 'no more titties!'.
Question is, when did I become such a prude? Since I found 'the one'? I'm sure I didn't mind a bit of the old saucy before now...Is it like when you're pregnant and you every where you look is pregnant chicks?
Or am I that insecure I can't handle my fella accidentally encountering a bit of the nudy stuff.
I'd like to say I'm outraged 'for the kids'. And what they may stumble across. Cause deary me it's a minefield. But I'm not sure I wouldn't be fibbing somewhat and in reality, I just ain't as cool as I used to be.
Oh lord, will I be one of those old deary's with the pursed thin lips?
Please, Madam, this is most inappropriate... |